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We work at the intersection of health and information technology, in the broad field of health informatics.  It is a dynamic discipline due to the speed of change in technology and the vast potential for:


1. improved models of health practice 

 (e.g. focus on wellness, combinations of in-clinic and at-home monitoring, various implementations of telemedicine);  


2. development of digital tools and platforms to support these new models 

 (e.g. wearables and other sensors, AI-assisted electronic medical records);


3. methods to access and integrate data from multiple modalities 

 (e.g. EMRs, insurance records, laboratory tests, genetics, microbiome, environment); and


4. use of modern techniques to analyze data to make better health decisions based on evidence 

(e.g. application of descriptive methods to large data sets and use of AI and predictive analytics

We investigate and apply the appropriate combination of tools and methods to improve the health of individuals and ultimately populations. 

Annual Reports
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